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Pests & Disease

- Fundamentals -
  • Soil harbors a variety of disease causing organisms for both plants and animals.

    • Microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, protozoa and viruses).

    • Larger soil organisms such as nematodes as well as insects (e.g. ants, aphids)

    • Small animals (e.g. slugs, snails, rodents).

  • Plant pathogens can be spread from plant to plant via insect vectors or by soil animals such as nematodes.

  • Typically the most damage to crops is caused by fungal pathogens which are responsible for a wilts, root rots, club rot & blight. 

  • The best way to deal with pests, disease and weeds is to scout and remove vectors before they have a chance to go to spread or go to seed. 

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This project is made possible by the generous support of the Weston Family Foundation in association with Assiniboine Community College

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